Thesis arguments


The Falkland Malvinas war

WhereWhenWhyWhich countries and what kind of govenment?
500 kms from Argentina → Falkland islands (South America)1982Argentinian army invaded Falkland Malvinas after 24 hours of adviceEngland → democracy, Argentina → dictatorship

AI Artificial Intelligence

Narrow AIGeneral AIStrong AIAI began when...
For example, a washing machine can do the task of washing and rinsing clothes better and in less time than a human beingAn example can be when a machine carries out an intellectual task (for example a translation from a language into another) with the same accuracy as a human being.A typical example is playing chess: there is a number of interactions (due to the number of pawns and their extremely varied movements) the players can execute.1940s → Alan Turing during WWII → tries to decrypt german messages & war instructions